Chapter Three - New stack and new language

Sep 2021 - current
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QAT Global

Holistic Developer Journey: Crafting Excellence at QAT Global

Embarking on a new chapter as a Fullstack Developer at QAT Global, my professional voyage continues to evolve, spanning from September 2021 to the present. In this span, I have been immersed in a dynamic and multifaceted role, contributing my expertise across the software development spectrum.

Frontend Flourish: Innovating with ReactJS and ExtJS

My role encompassed the meticulous frontend development of novel features, leveraging cutting-edge technologies like ReactJS and ExtJS. Additionally, I've been instrumental in the essential task of maintenance, meticulously addressing bug fixes to ensure a seamless user experience.

Backend Proficiency: A Mastery of Java, Spring, and JEE

Driving the backend development process, I have been at the helm of forging new functionalities and APIs. My expertise in technologies like Java, Spring, and JEE has empowered me to seamlessly integrate with existing systems. Furthermore, I've spearheaded the enhancement and rectification of legacy methods and database calls, employing Docker and TeamCity to ensure swift deployment.

Agile Focus: Striving for Elegance and Efficiency

Central to my approach has been the commitment to agile development. This commitment extends to the art of proposing solutions while adhering to clean code practices and industry best practices. My dedication to delivering elegant solutions aligns with the overarching goals of the development process.

Pinnacle Client Engagement: Leading Premium Client Solutions

My prowess led to a distinct honor – selection to join the team entrusted with servicing our premium clientele. This role involved crafting tailor-made solutions to cater to unique and exclusive client requirements, solidifying the symbiotic relationship between our services and their business objectives.

Client Collaboration: Active Engagement and Strategic Planning

An active participant in daily meetings with American clients, I've extended specialized support while contributing to strategic planning endeavors. My input has been instrumental in shaping project roadmaps and aligning them with overarching strategic goals.

Innovative Drive: Enhancing Quality and Efficiency

Actively engaging in planning meetings, I've consistently offered innovative insights and strategic suggestions aimed at enhancing project quality and efficiency. My proactive approach serves as a driving force behind the continuous improvement of the projects I contribute to.

Evolution of My Tech Stack

While I have relished my experience working extensively with NodeJS in the preceding chapter, my current focus has shifted to a different technological realm. I am currently engaged with a robust stack comprising Java 11 and ReactJS. This dynamic shift showcases my versatility and adaptability as I continue to thrive in the evolving landscape of software development.

Serving Industry Leaders: A Marquee Client

Notably, my role encompasses a unique facet – servicing one of the largest companies in the United States. This high-profile collaboration underscores my capacity to engage with industry leaders and deliver solutions that meet their exacting standards.

As I continue this chapter, I look forward to embracing the ever-evolving technological landscape and making meaningful contributions that resonate both with my professional growth and the success of QAT Global.