Chapter one - Trainee

Jul 2019 - Sep 2020
Sammed, Consultas
Mirante Tech / Anvisa

Navigating Professional Growth: My Tenure at Mirante Tech

In the annals of my career, one pivotal chapter began at Mirante Tech. This pioneering establishment served as my gateway to the realm of technology, catalyzing my evolution from a neophyte to a proficient developer and adept team leader.

Formative Phase: Knowledge Attainment and Java Proficiency

Commencing my tenure, I undertook an immersive course that immersed me in the intricacies of Java and web development. Driven by an unwavering thirst for knowledge, I emerged as a top performer and earned a prestigious certificate of excellence. This achievement became the bedrock for subsequent accomplishments.

Powering Innovation: Contributions to Sammed and Consultas

Mirante Tech's platform unveiled significant projects that left an indelible mark on my professional trajectory. Among these, standouts are Sammed and Consultas.

  • Sammed: A pioneering drug market monitoring system, pivotal for upholding the integrity of the pharmaceutical sector.
  • Consultas: An innovative platform facilitating seamless access to public information concerning health-surveillance products and corresponding Agency documents.

Tech Stack Proficiency: Java, Angular, and More

Fluently navigating through various technologies, including Java 8, Java EE, EJB, AngularJS, and OracleDB, I played a pivotal role in the creation of robust solutions. These technological components underpinned systems vital to ANVISA, the Brazilian health authority.

Evolution to Leadership: Diverse Roles and Responsibilities

My professional trajectory transcended coding, encompassing roles such as Scrum Master and interim team leader. Orchestrating projects with precision, I ensured seamless coordination from planning to delivery, ensuring the adherence to project deadlines.

Fostering Innovation: Debugging, Enhancements, and Client Engagement

Beyond standard coding, I proactively addressed intricate database challenges, particularly Oracle DB, enhancing performance and navigating complexities. Armed with analytical acumen, I adeptly resolved bugs and conceptualized novel features that aligned with client prerequisites.

Extending beyond technical realms, I honed my communication prowess. My active involvement in client meetings facilitated the translation of aspirations into tangible project requirements and expectations.

Pondering the Professional Journey

Mirante Tech was more than a workplace—it was a crucible for professional growth. As I document this phase, I reflect upon the invaluable lessons and the enduring impact. Armed with the legacy of Mirante Tech, I embrace upcoming challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm, fortified by the promise of the future.